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Will Google Be a Big Player in The Social CRM Game? Go Figure!

When it comes to getting social, Google has been moving slower than a crippled turtle!, giving all kinds of vague promises and empty statements!

Could social CRM be the answer to Google’s prayers? In other words, is Google likely to enter the CRM market?  Lauren Carlson, a CRM Market Analyst,

published a well-researched and thought-provoking article on this issue in softwareadvice.com.

This article will address some of Lauren’s insights alongside my personal take on Google’s never-ending predictions. In doing so, I will answer the following logical questions:

  1. Does Google Have What it Takes To Grab a Big Share of the CRM Market?
  2. How Badly Would Google Need to Get Into CRM?
  3. Would Google Build or Buy Their Anticipated CRM Solution?
  4. What Current CRM Applications Issues That Google Must Tackle?

Let’s answer them one by one…

1. Does Google Have What it Takes To Grab a Big Share of the CRM Market?

You bet! Many Businesses have already been leveraging Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Tasks and Android for CRM purposes, particularly because all of them work together.

Google’s Apps smashing success peaked in 2010 thanks to Google Apps Marketplace – an online store for business applications that directly integrates with Google Apps, allowing virtually all business functions to be administered from one central location.

In other words, Google already has the foundation for building a solid CRM system.

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"Google Social CRM"

2. How Badly Would Google Need to Get Into CRM?

Very baldy I would say! This is because Google is so behind “e-socially” speaking. So, it would definitely help to take advantage of their excellent infrastructure and create a unique CRM application with a social twist.

Lauren had viable reasons to question this possibility:

  • The new CEO, Google founder Larry Page is a genius search and Ad. man but enterprise applications are not his cup of tea
  • Google Partnership with Salesforce since 2007 may be endangered if Google ever sought a CRM solution elsewhere

I certainly agree with her on the validity of these points. However, Google’s burning need to get social is far more important than these issues. While I am not sure if Salesforce will take part in Google’s CRM creation or not, I can smell Google’s social CRM in the air.

And although Page is not the Apps Kinda guy, he’s certainly well aware of Google’s increasing anti-social reputation and I am sure he will want to do something about it. Based on Google’s existing resources, I would say that social CRM is their best move.

Would Google Build or Buy Their Anticipated CRM Solution?

That’s a tough one to guess because I am torn between two possibilities:

  1. Google’s long history of taking the easy route of acquiring readymade solutions might suggest that adding CRM to the mix will be no exception
  2. However, with all the CRM infrastructure that Google already has in place, they might break the rule this time, especially that Google’s users are already familiar with Google Apps which could be a very viable selling point. Also, Page is a new Google blood and with new bloods, comes new rules. So, you never know.

My personal predication is that the odds are 60% that Google will build their own social CRM app (from existing infrastructure) against 40% possibility that they will go for a readymade solution.

4. What Current CRM Applications Issues That Google Must Tackle?

If Google really wants to acquire a massive share of the CRM market, it must offer solutions to the two most common CRM complaints: Complexity and (ridiculously ) High Costs!

If ERPs and Chain Supply Systems are exclusive to big enterprises, businesses of all sizes rely on CRM. In fact, according to Google’s blog, “CRM” is the most searched-for term in the App Marketplace.

So, if Google’s much-anticipated social CRM application was easy-to-use and affordable, it will meet great success.

Lauren summed up her great article with a two-question survey:

  1. Do you think Google will enter the CRM market?
  2. If yes, will they build or buy their solution?

I already shared my opinion above and can’t wait to find out your personal predications. Please do share them!   Image may be NSFW.
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